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It’s Friday afternoon. The Stonecreek Science Fair is over, and Agnes Pflumm has two days to come up with a cool new lesson for her 6th grade science class.
She decides to embark on a lesson on pond water microbiology – with borrowed equipment.
But poop in the stream, dead fish, frogs with missing hind legs,
alarmed students, and the return of Edward Fartlesnap
make this a lesson that changes the town forever!

Click the following links to
Why Agnes Pflumm is Singing the Pond Scum Blues?
NOAA Phytoplankton Monitoring Network
The Science Behind the Pond Scum Blues
Fantastic water quality and environmental education sites
Stroud Water Research Center WikiWatershed Tool Kit
USGS Water Science for Schools
Great Smoky Mountains Institute at Tremont
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